Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Counselling day

A good day at work today - am pretty much caught up with what needs doing, and managed to get work reading done too. Though I did ignore the QA stuff on the grounds that life's too short to get beyond the first paragraph of any QA article.

And a very good counselling session today - I really felt I was getting somewhere. Am realising I need to learn to be, rather than doing all the time. Maybe the time has come simply to stop and not worry if things fall off the radar. Also I'd like to do more things I actually enjoy, rather than the things which I think need to be done, and learn not to see life quite so much as a battle I have to grit my teeth and get through - which is, to be frank, very much my current attitude. That's the plan anyway. So have booked another 6 sessions which will - holidays considered - take me up to August, which seems right.

Had a short story rejected by Route when I got home - but as I'd already thought they'd rejected me last November, it wasn't too much of a surprise. They never take anything of mine anyway - not sure why I bothered. I won't again, I think.

And the Guildford Diocese ( summer courses' programme is now out - am strangely enthused by this, as it's a good range this year. Lord H and I are hoping to attend several, and I'm particularly interested in the one about attitudes to the body, and faith & sexuality. Hope to get time off work to do those which take place in the day, so will have to ask if it's okay. Am also thinking of looking into spiritual direction (which the diocese does provide), either later this year or next. This is something I've thought of before, but I've never felt quite ready for it. I'll think again after my counselling sessions are over in late summer. A way forward to ponder, in any case, especially as I'm getting very little from church at the moment (Lord H's comment: we're supposed to get something from church? Nobody told us ...!). We'll see.

Tonight, I'm out to the pub with Sian and Ami from the road - they're both moving out fairly soon, so it will be a "farewell drink".

Anne Brooke

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