Saturday, May 27, 2006

Windsor Castle

Too wet for Longleat today, so Lord H and I went to Windsor Castle instead. The changing of the guard was bizarre - lots of marching for no apparent purpose, but Lord H enjoyed it and took lots of photos. I particularly liked the Drawing Gallery - some good photos of the queen & entourage which I hadn't seen before, a few being very relaxed and fun. I was hugely jealous though of the one of the royal princesses on a rocking horse - I always longed for a rocking horse, and was never allowed one!... Damn it.

Still, was somewhat cheered by the State Apartments, which are glorious - great ceilings. Also enjoyed St George's Chapel - I never knew so many monarchs are buried there. At least it keeps them all together - we know where they are ... But, another thousand damns - the Sacristan on duty at the door had a badge with his name and title on - damn! Why can't I have a badge? I'm a Sacristan too! - deep sigh ...

However, much to my joy, the shop had a Noah's Ark in a snowstorm, so just had to buy that for work. Trashy gifts 'r' us! Lord H sighed deeply ... Ooh, and bought jam too - can never resist it, especially as they had quince & rose petal jelly. Bliss.

Tonight, it's "Doctor Who" and a take-away chinese from the shop. We also stocked up on our wine, but we've now broken one bottle. Curses.

Anne Brooke

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